Sunday, April 5, 2015

Little Boxes of Wonderment

Disclaimer:  This is subjective.  We all like and dislike different things.  Please keep this in mind. This our collective OPINION and not definitive.  You might love or hate something we review. That's the idea.  Get out, stop trying to find things just like the US and try what Ecuador has to offer.

So here we go…

Brand name is Crokitos.  I bought a 10 pack of different small boxes so it would allow us more flavors to try and it would be fun and inexpensive to do so.


Corn Flakes:  We all agreed it was not to our liking.  The amount of sugar used was overwhelming. Kids might love it, but not us.

Arroz Crocante:  Lightly pink and fruit flavored (sort of) Again not a flavor we found appealing. Just not something we enjoy.

Aritos de Colores:  Heather had some seriously high hopes that this would be like fruit loops. Nope, its not.  Lol...Again, not a flavor we enjoyed.

Now for the good!

Arroz Crocante Vainilla:  Puffed rice?  Its small and similar to the pink but the flavor was much more to our liking.  It was still very sweet but still we all gave it a thumbs up.

Bolitas con Sabor a Chocolate:  Momma and I were not impressed but, Heather said it was tasty. Kind of like a cocoa puff with a roasted flavor.

There are cereals on the shelf that we do recognize.  Like Trix.  But, that's something we have all tried before.  We want to see what Ecuador has to offer.  We are seeking new not the same old stuff. We all agree that if you do decide to come here you need to realize that you wont find what you like. You will have to open your mind and be willing to try new things.  Don't expect to like everything. That's not the point.  The point is to try everything and then decide.

We know there will be things we crave or desire that are not here.  That's normal.  But, we don't plan to dwell on it.  Everything here is so different and rightly so.  

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