Today is Our 2nd Wedding Anniversary.
March 17, 2014
When you marry your high school sweetheart, it does not take long before you figure out that you branded each other's heart the day you met. That God put you on this Earth to find and fall in love with each other. Even distance and time shows that while we lived separate lives we always remained in love.
When you marry your high school sweetheart, you have history and watching The Notebook will remind you of how much you can relate to the story.
When you marry you high school sweetheart you both have loads of memories and history. Memories that can make one or both of you blush and smile. You Both remember what you wore during your dating days, how he tied your roller skates, sharing slushies with pizza at the skating rink, Phil Collins, "I Need Love" by LL Cool J, making out by the pool, stealing his shirts because they smelled like him, and how many times you listened to those beautiful heartfelt mix tapes your husband made for you.
When you marry your high school sweetheart, he will support you through your stresses of court, custody battles, moving to Ecuador, buying a house, and moving overseas back to the United States.
When you marry your high school sweetheart, you know he loves the real you because he has seen you without make-up, without sleep, with 40+ extra pounds, during those PMS days, trying to conceive, being selfish, being generous, with tears streaming down your face, with your fists clenched in rage, and with your heart soaring with joy.
Happy 2nd Anniversary, My Love, My Best Friend, and My Soul mate. I can't imagine not being your wife. "You complete me!!!"