Showing posts with label Hobby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hobby. Show all posts

Monday, May 29, 2017

Hunting in the Woods for Tupperware is Our New Hobby

Is it under a log?  Hidden in a tree?  Is that panel a hidden cache?

A new hobby for our family.  Geocaching.  The GPS coordinates are online.  We joined:  Geocaching  Once you approach the hidden cache a hint is available on our Samsung S7 via the Geocaching App.  The coordinates and if needed hint helps you to discover a new hidden cache.  Some are the size of a pencil eraser "Nano" others are a huge ammo can, mailbox, or camouflage tape covered Tupperware container.

All caches have a paper log or log book.  You sign in to claim the discovery.  If big enough, there are trade "Swag" items. If you take swag, you must leave swag for the next cache hunter.  Sometimes a Geocaching TravelBug or GeoCoin are inside.  Those are used to track movement online.  You check them out of the cache and log them out online. Then you find another cache and log them in on the log and on the website.  They show their movement.  Some come from different countries.

It's not the items hidden inside that are important. It's the discovery of the hidden site. The difficulty of where and what it is. 







We even found our 1st Geocaching TravelBug.  He will be heading out to the Pacific Northwest with us in a few weeks.