Monday, December 12, 2016

Celebrating the Beginning of Autumn in a Healthy Way!!! An Apple a Day Will Keep the Doctor Away!!!

Apples, apples, apples everywhere!

Everywhere we go we see trees, in markets and in cooked dishes.  Everyone has them but us.

Along comes a family drive with the FurBabies and we passed Osage produce market.  Inside, a bushel of apples for 12 bucks! 

Our next stop was Barber's Orchard near Waynesville, NC




Off to the RV we headed with our new purchase.  We filled the tub with vinegar and water and a bushel of apples.

I grabbed a paring knife, vegetable peeler and my nakiri.  Time to slaughter some apples!

While I was wading through the apples, Mama got out what she needed to make applesauce.  She had to cook several pots full of apples to get them done and it took several hours.  But, we worked as a team and got it done.

Several of our neighbors got still hot applesauce as gifts.  Our freezer was filled.  I eat a lot of oatmeal and I have recently started putting some of the homemade applesauce in it.  Delicious!  It reminds me of our time in Ecuador when we had tons of produce available.

I know that once we obtain a home we will be canning and putting up veggies/ fruits. I can't wait for that to happen! Meanwhile, While it does take a lot of teamwork and skill, we did manage to prove that even in an RV this small, it is possible to make your own food. And it is delicious!

25lbs of Culled Gala's for $12.00...All cleaned and processed in our RV.  It's Awesome and Smells Like Fall in Here!  If it would only cool off outside it might feel like fall instead of Summer in Florida!

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