Sunday, January 31, 2016

OMGosh...I, Dan Harley Bowen Have Finally Found Peace, Love, Happiness, and My Renewed Creative Side

Artist:  Dan H. Bowen
I used to draw and paint quite a lot. I even read a LOT of books. And movies. OMGosh, I was and really still am a complete nut on movies.

Then I got married to a soul draining witch that extinguished all creative abilities...enough said, but you get the gist.  After nine years of hell and two more of divorce mess, I had an exorcism performed, in a way and got rid of all that evil.

I feel much better now.

Artist:  Dan H. Bowen
I picked back up some of my desire to draw and paint.  I am back to reading books and enjoying movies.  I listen to music again.  In short, a lot of the things that made up a big part of who I am is recovered and is beginning to flourish again.

I love to paint!  I paint with serious ambition for someone who is untrained.  I love to experiment and create new designs.  My mind has so many ideas and I lack the serious talent to realize much of them. But, I do try.

Artist:  Dan H. Bowen
Most of my paintings are the second, third, or even fourth attempt on that same canvas.  I keep trying until I get something I am completely happy with.  I don’t do this for others, I do it for me.  For enjoyment but also as a form of personal therapy.  It truly helps a lot.

Artist:  Dan H. Bowen
Heather thinks its good enough that others might like to have some of my painting, as well.  I doubt it but, hey you never know.  I had several pieces that I gave to one of our best friends Christie before we left for Ecuador.  I think its neat to see the differences in my skills over time.

Artist:  Dan H. Bowen
Artist:  Dan H. Bowen
I wish I had the money to have a studio where I could let the paint fly without a care.  I think I would have 50 or more canvases going at any given time.  From small to huge…even 10 feet long. I would paint every day to my music.  I know I would not create anything of serious value but its most likely what I would do if I ever won the lottery.

I also like blacksmith and metal work.  I would love someday to learn to work with copper more.  And knife making interests me a LOT.  Who knows? Maybe someday I will be able to realize the dreams.  For now I dabble with a paintbrush and I get to feel better about myself in doing so.

I think it's important that I point out what made all of this possible. Heather Yvonne Bowen.  Her love, support, and encouragement.  My marriage to my first love works.  We respect each other.  We put each other first.  It makes such a difference that it's amazing.  Happiness not hate.  We are a team and I get her support and criticisms.  She does not lie or tell me what I want to hear.  She challenges me to seek improvement.  To better myself and my relationship with her.  It is work and it can be difficult.  But all I need to remember is that hard work is the basis for anything worth having.  I seriously love her and value what we have.  I am so lucky to have reconnected with her and realized my dreams with always with her.

Here is a preview of my latest painting that I'm still working on:

Artist:  Dan H. Bowen

Disclaimer:  All paints posted on this page were created, painted, and belong to Dan H. Bowen and The Bowen Knot Blog Family.  DO NOT SHARE or STEAL!


1 comment:

  1. Dan,

    I am so glad that you have found your passion again. Although, I was thrilled to be given so many of your art supplies, I could never do them justice. You have an amazing gift. Keep creating!

    Love you guys!
